Behaviour Change Communication (BCC)
We welcome support to enhance our advocacy capacity and campaigns, enabling us to achieve our objectives effectively within our operational areas.
Advocacy and Behavior Change Communication (BCC), also known as Information, Education and Communication (IEC) initiatives, share the common goal of raising awareness on specific issues. However, while BCC or IEC initiatives focus on changing individual behavior, advocacy activities aim to mobilize collective action and drive social or legislative changes at various levels, from the community to the global arena.
Advocacy involves coordinated actions aimed at influencing the approaches, policies or projects of organizations, both public and private, to align with the interests of the general public, who are stakeholders or beneficiaries of these projects.

Our Approach
Our advocacy work includes:
1. Ensuring that essential budgetary resources are allocated to intended projects and services.
2. Building support for specific issues or causes and encouraging others to take action.
3. Providing training on skills development, leadership, rights, advocacy, and social mobilization to students, youth, women groups and other community members.
4. Establishing social and institutional groups or clubs to strengthen advocacy efforts in institutions and communities, advocating for rights and quality services.
5. Persuading government authorities to adopt specific program approaches, strategies or services.
6. Informing the general population and decision-makers about particular issues and mobilizing them to exert pressure on those in positions of authority.
7. Generating support among community members and fostering interest in the implementation of specific program approaches or services.
Our advocacy efforts span across health, social development, infrastructure, water and sanitation. We Care CBO closely monitors inputs and outputs during project implementation to ensure smooth execution and compares results against expected outcomes. We evaluate the success of advocacy activities in contributing to our objectives, measuring outcomes at both activity and campaign levels.
Our community advocates come from diverse backgrounds, including youth, teachers, healthcare providers, parents, community leaders, religious leaders, students, local government officials and community groups. To reach our target audiences, we utilize advocacy networks and coalitions, employing various approaches such as mass media, focus group discussions, workshops, marches, drama, sports competitions and educational materials.
In our advocacy campaigns, We Care CBO collaborates with a wide range of stakeholders, including politicians, NGOs, religious groups, healthcare providers, businesses, women’s organizations, media, ministry officials, global development agencies and education officials.

Volunteer, Donate, Advocate.
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Phone: +254 746 222 682